Research old

The Origin of Planets

  • What is the pre-history of planetary systems?
  • What is the origin of planetary systems and how do they assemble?
  • How can we probe planetary systems around other stars?

Course Academics

Prof Oliver Shorttle

Institute of Astronomy, Earth Sciences

Mark Wyatt

Institute of Astronomy

Cathie Clarke

Institute of Astronomy

Christopher Tout

Institute of Astronomy

Dr Amy Bonsor

Institute of Astronomy

Aron Wall


The Origin of Habitable Environments

  • How do planets maintain stable climates?
  • How do planetary interiors connect with their surfaces?
  • What is the diversity of rocky worlds in the solar system?

Course Academics

Prof Oliver Shorttle

Institute of Astronomy, Earth Sciences

David Al-Attar

Earth Sciences

Marie Edmonds

Earth Sciences

Prof Nick Rawlinson

Earth Sciences

Dr Paul Rimmer


Ed Tipper

Earth Sciences

Nicholas Tosca

Earth Sciences

The Origin and Detection of Life

  • How does geochemistry transition to prebiotic chemistry?
  • How do atmospheres participate in the origin and maintenance of life?
  • How can we find biospheres on other planets?

Course Academics

Prof Alex Archibald


Jonathan Goodman


Nikku Madhusudhan

Institute of Astronomy

Alex Thom


Dr Paul Rimmer


Nicholas Tosca

Earth Sciences

The Origin and Evolution of Biospheres

  • How might pre-biotic to biotic transitions occur?
  • What is the history of life on Earth?
  • How does life impact planets?

Course Academics

Nick Butterfield

Earth Sciences

Neil Davies

Earth Sciences

Ray Goldstein


Julian Hibbert

Plant Sciences

Phil Hollinger


Chris Howe


Emily Mitchell


Eske Willerslev


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